Tuesday 7.30pm Fellowship Hour | This is an informal Bible study and prayer meeting led by the Pastor, one of the Elders, or occasionally by a representative of a missionary organisation. |
Alternate Wednesdays from 10am – 1pm Fellowship Club Wednesday 7.45pm Friends & Neighbours ladies’ meeting | This is an informal gathering where everyone is welcome. It was begun to help those who like to go out to meet people but who cannot attend an evening club. After a brief devotional time there is coffee/tea and cake followed by a mixture of crafts/games/quizes/baking and the morning ends with a light lunch of home-made soup and rolls. The club is free – just come along and enjoy your day. Every last Wednesday of the month except January and February this ladies only evening offers a different speaker/demonstrator/activity each month. The evening is free of charge and all ladies over the age of 16 are welcome to come and join us. |
Thursday 7.30pm Men’s Meeting | Men’s meetings are held approximately quarterly – see website, email or call Pastor Simon on 07858 996357 for details of the next scheduled meeting. All men are welcome to attend. |
Friday 10.00am – 12.00pm Community Coffee Morning | Open on the first Friday each month except for January and August. Community Coffee Morning is open to everyone, free of charge and with free refreshments – just come in and make some new friends while you enjoy refreshments in a warm and welcoming space.