
 During Covid restrictions all activities were suspended.

Tuesday evening Bible studies have recommenced.

Friends & Neighbours Ladies’ meetings have resumed on the last Wednesday each month, except for January and February – see below.

Tuesday 7.30pm


Fellowship Hour

This is an informal Bible study and prayer meeting led by the Pastor, one of the Elders, or occasionally by a representative of a missionary organisations.
Wednesday 7.45pm


Friends & Neighbours

ladies’ meeting

A ladies’ meeting held on the last Wednesday each month except for January and February when there is no meeting, and December when the evening is usually held on the second Wednesday of the month. A different speaker or demonstration every time with a good and varied programme. 
Thursday 6.30 – 7.30pm

Crossroads Club

This club is currently suspended.

Friday 10.00am – 12.00pm


Coffee Morning


First Friday each month 7.00 – 9.00pm

FEAST Youth Club

Usually held on the first Friday of the month (not January or August).


This club is currently suspended